Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Live, Love and Learn

       Living is lifetime learning. There is no limit of the knowledge we ought to learn. As long as one is still breathing, he/she is still under life’s lessons.
Lessons in life differ in situations we face. Some could be obtained through our relationship with our family, friends and fellow mates.
       Lessons are the result of our mistake. We can also learn through others mistake. Sometimes, we keep on acting without thinking what would be its outcome, the last thing we knew; it ruined our life or someone else’s life.
       But as they say, while there is still life, there would always be hope. It depends upon a person whether to learn from it or ignore the possible ways for us to amend. Change is a choice.
       Life does have countless lessons and there would always be an equal pain. Every time we get hurt, we realized something is wrong. The fault may be in us or it may come from the people around us, the important thing is that we learned from it and we know how to confront mistakes and change it.
       Lessons in life are attained through this inevitable time of a person’s existence, the past, present and future.
Past, lessons are most visible in our past. And mistakes are often made during this time. One best thing in our past is its lessons. Though we fail, we also gain something. There would always be a time that we need to look back and see how far we have gone through.
       Present, what we are today is the choice we choose yesterday. The present time plays a vital role in our life. This are the times we correct things from the past and make a better change. Failures are less and hope is rising. The best thing we could do is doing the right free from regrets.
       Future, it is unpredictable, but we can assure that what present life we choose would be the future we turn out to be. Although there are always twist in one’s life, but let this be the reason for us to stand up and become a new person.
      The best thing we can do for our future is to trust God. The Word of God says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, the plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a good future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
      If we think our plan is best for us, how much more are God’s plans for His children. Wait and have faith in God.
-Suzzane Rei L. Manigos (contributor)

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