Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Time of My Life

-Constance Quence

Once upon a time, when the land meets the sea,
It’s just like you meeting me.
Before my life was in darkness.
Then you came and kissed everything with brightness.

For a stanger like I
You’ve been so tender and kind;
Like a clown that makes me smile with glee,
It’s a great feeling to know, that you belong to me.

Strangers at first sight
Never thought you would be my Mr. Right.
My love, it was nice meeting you.
You gave my life color and hue.

Beating all the odds is not easy,
I hope that we can’t get weary.
With our love for each other we can fly,
Together forever, till we die.

Like a fairytale that ends with happy ever after,
I wish our ending would be better.
Vowing to be husband and wife;
Yes, indeed I’m having the time of my life.

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